Monday, January 26, 2009

I miss Puay Chai 2!!

Yo wassup?
I miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss 6K!!!
If you are in my school..
you are D-E-A-D..
Juz lyk you are in hell..
N this type of life
Had juz started....
Scary T.T ...............
ok,talk about Sejarah teacher first..
She is a Devil!
She can smile n scold ppl at the same time!
OK..i know..SHE IS MAD!

example 1:
She say:Siapa tidak membawa Sejarah Buku berdiri di atas kerusi!X(
than after 5 second she say:Aduh..Duduklah anak-anakku~:D
example 2:
A boy forget to draw the line(actually he will draw the line after do finnish the sejarah latihan)
than the teacher came near him and ask:Kenapa tak ada garisan?Tak dengar aku cakap apa yakah?huh???X(
than she say:Ayio..mana garisan itu ?:D
than she suddenly tear his book..
than she say:lain kali jangan lupa memuat garisan yea...:D

AND everyone hate her!
haha..that's my story !
how about urs??
tell me next time..

pen off now~

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